
Intayon, Ilocos Sur : Kannawidan Festival

     The kannawidan Festival in Ilocos Sur is a week-long celebration that takes place every late of January or early February. This celebrates and showcases the region's cultures, traditions and products. The Festival holds a significant importance for the celebration of rich cultural heritage and the strength and unity of its people. The festival serves as a platform for people to promote their local customs, arts and economic contributions to Ilocos Sur. It has a deep sense of pride among residents creating unity and lasting impact on the province of Ilocos Sur's future.      One of the roles of the festival is to provide cultural preservation and heritage. The event is celebrated with a vibrant display of the province's unique customs and practices that have been passed down to generations. It also showcases the traditional dances  such as the "Banga" dance and local rituals performed to show the province's rich culture. The festival also plays a b...

A Day Celebrated With Love And Affection : Valentine's Day

    " Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will." - Elaine Davis    Valentine's Day, celebrated on February 14th every year has been a special occasion that has evolved from a religious feast day honoring Saint Valentine into a global celebration of love and affection. The origin of Valentine's Day started with deeply rooted in both religious and cultural traditions. The day is named after Saint Valentine, a Christian Martyr, who performed secret marriages for couples during a time when marriages have been banned by Roman Emperor Claudius II, according to legend. His martyrdom les to his association with love.      The role of Valentine's Day is a celebration of love in its many forms. People celebrate the holiday as an opportunity to give and express affection, gratitude and admiration toward loved ones, or family. It symbolizes as a reminder of the importance of human connection and the joy that comes from showing someone you care...

The Journey in Making our CBR (Thematic)

         This photoblog shows the journey in making and accomplishing our community-based research, wherein it shows the collaboration and teamwork we had as a group in conducting this project.  Brainstorming and Planning of Ideas          In the picture, we were in the computer lab, brainstorming concepts, topics and ideas to work on. Each one of us shared different ideas to choose from.  Here are the photos taken at Pudoc Norte, San Vicente     Here are the photos taken by the members of group 5 that conducted the study in pudoc norte, san vicente. The photos shows the cauliflower fields in Pudoc Norte.  Here are the Photos taken when the interview was conducted         The photos are the photos taken when our interview was conducted. Here are photos of our leader asking questions about the farming of cauliflower at pudoc norte to farmers.  Our final Community-Based Research o...

Learning Through Mistakes : My Third Quarter Experience

        This Third Quarter, we focused on making a Community Based Research Project, mainly focusing on different communities and categories to study on. With the project, we made a Webpage to showcase our CBR. I learned that in order for one to succeed with a group, it is important to incorporate teamwork because 'teamwork makes the dreamwork'.      Working on a project was not easy, especially we had no experience in making a CBR, but with my team we figured it out on the process of making. One problem we encountered was the gathering of data into our paper because we didn't have enough references. There were also minor problems in making our webpage since we were not used to making these projects.       With the help of my groupmates, we managed to continue and succeed in our project. Helping one another and doing teamwork was one of the reasons that made our project possible.      Moving on, i will continue to app...

Chinese New Year : A Filipino Tradition

            Chinese new year or the spring festival is a festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese Calendar . It is an annual 15-day festival in China and in Chinese communities. In this year, 2025, it is celebrated from January 21 to February 12. Filipinos observe Chinese new year primarily because of the historical and cultural ties between the Philippines and Chinese community. Chinese immigrants have significantly had a presence in the Philippines for centuries, living in urban areas like Manila, Cebu and more. Over the time, Chinese traditions became incorporated into Filipino Culture, influencing different kinds of traditions and customs of Chinese communities.      Chinese New year has become widely recognized and popularized holiday in the Philippines, where it is celebrated not only by Chinese communities but also it is embraced by  Filipinos. This holiday is seen for gatheri...

The Transformation of Vigan : From a Humble Municipality of Colonial Roots to City Status

         Vigan, located in the province of Ilocos Sur, that is one of the Philippine's most iconic cities known for its cultural heritage as well as preserved Spanish Colonial architectures. Before Vigan became a City, the municipality served as a center for Spanish rule in the northern Philippines. Vigan faced challenges of underdevelopment typical of many rural towns, it remained small in scale and its economy was primarily agricultural and local due to limited resources and infrastructure. Despite this, Vigan retained its historical and cultural significance making many visitors drawn to its deep roots with history.           When Vigan became a City, it has undergone many significant development but still managed to retain its cultural and historic essence and value. With its cobblestone streets and colonial-era architecture houses, it has been significantly preserved even in this modernity. The local government also inve...

Nothing New, Just A Better View In Me

                  I’ve always said every year that I should change for the better and force myself to find the joy and love I have been longing for, but this year it felt weird because I did not promise or write anything that I should change this year. It was not serious for me to say the phrase “new year, new me”, because I knew that I could never force myself to change for someone or for anyone. If only it was easy to say that word “change” and actually change but it scares me to do it knowing I hate change, I feel uneasy when something changes, because I know it will never come back to what it is used to be. It’s like forming a shape into another shape that cannot be formed back into its original state.                          Over the past years I met new people that I loved deeply and became attached to them even if its for a short time. People come and ...