My Own Perspective Of Life

         How does people see me? Hi I’m Lianna and I often wonder how does people see me, because I view myself as a teenager who is shy and quiet. Some teenagers are extroverted, outgoing and loud, but I am one of those who prefer to stay at home and be quiet. How can I change? I always wanted to experience meeting lots of people and be loud and talkative. But how do I change when I’m always scared to explore, discover and learn new things in life?


       There are a lot of characteristics that I have such as being joyful, understanding, loving and caring. I am joyful when I’m with my love ones because they make me happy in such a way that I switch my moods easily. I am understanding to my family and friends when it comes to talking about personal reasons or problems. I am loving in a way that I express it through complementing and words of affirmation. I am caring when it comes to my love ones because I look out for them. I have all these characteristics based from my own perspective of life but I still want to go out of my comfort zone and explore a lot of things in life.


     For my future plans, I want to include my family and friends. They support and guide throughout my life. I will plan to meet new people, discover new things and live the fullest. I want to build up my confidence and find peace. To make me more and happy and complete.

 Reference :



  1. hey! it's me rein, your classmate back in the 2nd grade. It's my pleasure to write this comment and I would like to say goodluck with your journey! you were shy and timid and it's good to know you haven't changed much!! have a nice day

  2. Hi! You look good in these photos, what's your secret? Have a nice day ahead.

  3. woah thank you for sharing this. I really enjoyed reading it!

  4. good blog, i love how you described yourself and shared your future plans!


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