Insights and Challenges from my First Quarter Journey

          In this first quarter, i learned how to make and publish in blogs using the website blogger. I discovered that i can express my thoughts and feelings through writing a short paragraph or an essay. I also learned about the timeline of the internet, how the internet was introduced and the pioneers of the internet. In this first quarter, I enhanced my knowledge about the Internet and how to write a blog. 

          The challenges and problems that i had encountered during my first quarter learnings are difficulty in understanding some lessons, memorizing terms and dates of the timeline of internet. I had a hard time learning some terms since i was not familiar with them. 

           I addressed these challenges and problems by  trying and studying hard to learn the lessons. I learned the terms and lessons one by one to memorize and understand them all. I even ask for help from my classmates to help me enhance my knowledge about a specific topic. 

           Moving on, i will continue to strive hard and study to learn more in the following quarters. I will try my best to understand all the concepts and lessons that will be handed and introduced to me. As i move forward, i will be inspired by my teachers who has the dedication to teach us all. 




  1. i enjoyed reading this. I've had a similar experience with you.


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