Colorful Lights, Bonds Filled With Smiles : My Christmas Vacation experience


December 2024, the last month before 2024 ends, we were given a holiday break starting the 21st of December to January 2nd. During the 1 and a half week of no school, I spent it with my family since Christmas is about love and giving, I decided to spend it with them. From visiting them in their houses to going out with them to spend some time and bond. I enjoyed every moment with them while treasuring the times we were like this because we won’t know when will be the next time it will happen again.

My Christmas break was not always going out and spending time with my family because mostly I just rotted in my bed with my phone. I was enjoying this time with no school works, school activities and no stress from school. If I was not rotting in bed, I would help my family prepare food for our celebrations and for our guests. On the 25th of December, I spend Christmas with my family at our auntie’s house, busy chit chatting, eating and bonding with my family. Our celebration was simple yet so memorable since I got to spend this time with my loved ones. It might be sad not spending it with my parents who are far away from me but at least we get to spend it again this year even though we are not together in one place.

One thing I enjoyed during our break was spending time with my family who showed me love and hope this year’s Christmas. Christmas is special but spending it with your family and loved ones makes it more special.



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