Nothing New, Just A Better View In Me
I’ve always said every year that I should change for the better and force myself to find the joy and love I have been longing for, but this year it felt weird because I did not promise or write anything that I should change this year. It was not serious for me to say the phrase “new year, new me”, because I knew that I could never force myself to change for someone or for anyone. If only it was easy to say that word “change” and actually change but it scares me to do it knowing I hate change, I feel uneasy when something changes, because I know it will never come back to what it is used to be. It’s like forming a shape into another shape that cannot be formed back into its original state.
Over the
past years I met new people that I loved deeply and became attached to them even
if its for a short time. People come and people go, but why would they go? Why can’t
they stay? A question that I have always asked myself. I know we make mistakes
and I am not always an ideal person that’s why I try to correct my wrongs.
During the year 2024, I learned a lot of things from my family, to friends and to strangers. I will forever treasure and remember the people that have stayed by my side during my ups and downs last year, and I hope they will still stay this year.
To sum up my 2024, I learned a lot and I cried lots. During those moments I had people who supported me and I promise to give back to them. I thank the people for filling up my happy cup last year by making me laugh and making me feel loved. I can’t say that this year is going to be a new me but I can say that new year, new improvements for a better me.References:
Wow Lianna your experiences during the New Year was a great motivation, Keep up the good work!