Learning Through Mistakes : My Third Quarter Experience
This Third Quarter, we focused on making a Community Based Research Project, mainly focusing on different communities and categories to study on. With the project, we made a Webpage to showcase our CBR. I learned that in order for one to succeed with a group, it is important to incorporate teamwork because 'teamwork makes the dreamwork'.
Working on a project was not easy, especially we had no experience in making a CBR, but with my team we figured it out on the process of making. One problem we encountered was the gathering of data into our paper because we didn't have enough references. There were also minor problems in making our webpage since we were not used to making these projects.
With the help of my groupmates, we managed to continue and succeed in our project. Helping one another and doing teamwork was one of the reasons that made our project possible.
Moving on, i will continue to apply what i learned and gained during the third quarter to the following quarter and journeys in my life. I will use these learning to help me grow and learn from my mistakes.
i love your reflection. keep it up and good luck on your next journey.